Top Customer Feedback Software Tools for 2024

Top Customer Feedback Software Tools for 2024

Top Customer Feedback Software Tools for 2024

Learn how customer data analysis unlocks growth by understanding your audience, personalizing experiences, and making data-driven decisions. 

Learn how customer data analysis unlocks growth by understanding your audience, personalizing experiences, and making data-driven decisions. 

Learn how customer data analysis unlocks growth by understanding your audience, personalizing experiences, and making data-driven decisions. 

Top Customer Feedback Software Tools
Top Customer Feedback Software Tools
Top Customer Feedback Software Tools

Have you ever wondered why some companies seem to understand their customer’s needs magically? The answer is - Customer feedback! 

In fact, a recent Forbes study revealed that 81% of businesses believe happy customers are the key to growth. Surprisingly, another study found that 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain; however, 91% will simply leave and never come back!

This disconnect highlights the crucial role of effective customer feedback software in today's business landscape.  In 2024, the customer feedback software scene is exploding with innovative tools designed to bridge this gap. This article empowers you to harness the power of customer insights and transform your business!


Imagine a constant stream of ideas and insights flowing directly from your customers. That's the magic of customer feedback! You create a powerful feedback loop that fuels business growth by actively soliciting and implementing feedback.  

Happy customers who feel heard become loyal brand advocates, singing your praises and propelling you forward. This feedback also unveils hidden opportunities for innovation.

It's a treasure trove of insights that informs everything from marketing campaigns and pricing strategies to resource allocation.  Think of it as a compass guiding you towards a future filled with satisfied customers, thriving products, and a flourishing business.

Customer feedback software in 2024 is a game-changer. Forget clunky surveys! Modern tools offer a seamless user experience for you and your customers, allowing you to collect feedback via multiple channels (email, SMS, in-app surveys, social media) and transform it into actionable insights with powerful analytics and AI features like sentiment analysis. 

Understanding Customer Feedback Software:

Customer Feedback Softwares

Customer feedback is the lifeblood of any successful business, but gathering and analyzing it can initially feel overwhelming. But, what exactly is the Customer feedback software?

Customer feedback software is a centralized platform designed to streamline the entire feedback lifecycle. Imagine a command center where you can effortlessly collect feedback through surveys, polls, in-app messages, and even social media comments. This software goes beyond mere data collection; it empowers you to analyze and transform raw feedback into actionable insights.

How Feedback Software Makes a Difference?

How Feedback Software Makes a Difference

Comprehensive Guide to the Best Customer Feedback Software of 2024:

Choosing the right customer feedback software is like finding the perfect key to unlock a treasure trove of customer insights. But with so many options on the market, it can feel overwhelming. We are here to break it down for you.

1. Metaforms

Metaforms AI


  • AI-powered form generation: Describe your desired feedback and Metaform's AI creates a personalized form with relevant data points.

  • Richer data collection: Conditional flows and smart forms ensure you gather the most relevant information.

  • Deeper insights: AI-powered sentiment analysis helps you understand the emotional tone behind the feedback.

  • Actionable suggestions: Leverage AI for follow-up suggestions, allowing you to respond to feedback more effectively.


  • Newer player: relatively new player in the marked

Pricing: Try your free forms and get personalized quotes.

Best Suited For: Businesses seeking an innovative and AI-powered solution for collecting feedback. Ideal for companies looking to personalize the feedback experience, gather richer data through smart forms, and leverage AI for deeper insights and follow-up suggestions.

2. Survicate:



  • Multi-channel distribution: Collect feedback through various channels like email, SMS, in-app surveys, website pop-ups, and social media integrations.

  • Customization power: Tailor surveys and reports to your specific needs with extensive customization options.


  • Limited advanced analytics: Analytic features might be less robust compared to some competitors focused on deep data analysis.

Pricing: Free & paid plans
Best Suited For: Businesses of all sizes seeking a versatile and customizable feedback solution with a focus on multi-channel distribution.

3. Zendesk:



  • Seamless Zendesk integration: Unifies customer service, ticketing, and feedback management within your existing Zendesk ecosystem for a holistic view of the customer journey.


  • Limited customization: Customization options for surveys and reports might be less flexible than dedicated feedback software.

Pricing: Starts at $19 per month with free trials.

Best Suited For: Businesses already invested in the Zendesk ecosystem seeking a tightly integrated solution for customer service and feedback management.

4. UserGuiding:



  • Interactive in-app feedback: Goes beyond surveys with product tours, walkthroughs, and contextual feedback widgets embedded directly in your app or website, fostering in-the-moment feedback and user education.


  • Limited scope: Focuses primarily on in-app feedback and user onboarding. May not be ideal for broader customer experience surveys or in-depth sentiment analysis.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $89 per month.

Best Suited For: SaaS companies and product-focused businesses seeking to improve user onboarding, collect in-app feedback, and enhance the user experience.

5. Hotjar:



  • User behavior analytics: Goes beyond surveys with heatmaps, session recordings, and click tracking to reveal how users interact with your website or app.

  • Combined insights: To comprehensively understand the user experience, combine user behavior data with visual feedback tools like polls and surveys.


  • More straightforward survey creation: Survey creation features might be more basic than dedicated survey software focused on complex questionnaires.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $32 per month.

Best Suited For: Businesses seeking to understand user behavior alongside traditional feedback methods. Ideal for optimizing website layouts, user flows, and conversion funnels.

6. SurveyMonkey:



  • Survey powerhouse: Offers a vast library of survey templates, question types, and advanced logic branching for highly customized surveys, catering to complex needs.

  • Distribution versatility: Powerful distribution options allow you to reach your target audience through various channels.

  • Detailed reporting: Generate in-depth reports to gain valuable insights from your survey data.


  • Limited UI customization: User interface customization options might be limited.

  • Complexity for simple needs: Feature-rich platforms might feel overwhelming for simple feedback collection.

Pricing: Available for both individual and enterprise level starting at INR 1550

Best Suited For: Businesses of all sizes need a comprehensive solution for creating complex surveys, distributing them through various channels, and generating detailed reports.

7. Typeform:


  • Engaging design: A visually appealing and interactive survey format leads to higher response rates and a more engaging customer experience.

  • User-friendly platform: Easy to use for both creators and respondents, making feedback collection a breeze.


  • Limited branching logic: Advanced branching logic for complex surveys might be less robust than some competitors.

  • Simpler reporting: Reporting capabilities might be more basic than feature-rich survey software.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $25 per month.

Best Suited For: Businesses seeking a user-friendly and visually appealing way to collect feedback through surveys, quizzes, or product registration forms. Ideal for short, engaging surveys with a focus on high response rates.

8. Qualtrics XM:

Qualtrics XM


  • All-in-one experience management: Qualtrics XM offers a powerful suite of tools for customer feedback, employee engagement, and brand tracking, providing a holistic view of experience across various touchpoints.

  • Scalability: Designed to handle the needs of large enterprises with the ability to scale and adapt to growing requirements.


  • Complexity: Due to its comprehensive nature, Qualtrics XM can be complex to set up and use, requiring significant investment in training and ongoing management.

Pricing: Custom quotes based on specific needs. 

Best Suited For: Large enterprises seeking a comprehensive and scalable solution for managing all aspects of customer experience, employee sentiment, and brand perception.

Key Features to Look for in Customer Feedback Software:

Equipping yourself with the right customer feedback software is like selecting the perfect weapon in your CX arsenal. It empowers you to gather valuable insights, understand your customers better, and ultimately achieve business success. 

But with so many options on the market, choosing the ideal software can feel overwhelming.  Here's a breakdown of the key features to prioritize, along with guidance on when each feature is most beneficial:

1. Integration Capabilities:

Imagine a world where your customer feedback software seamlessly integrates with your existing CRM, marketing automation, or analytics platform. This eliminates data silos and ensures a holistic view of your customer journey.

Choose this feature if: You use multiple software platforms to manage customer interactions, marketing campaigns, and data analysis. Integrations streamline workflows, reduce manual data entry, and provide a unified view of your customer data.

2. User-Friendly Interface:

A user-friendly interface is crucial for both you and your customers. Your team should be able to navigate the software effortlessly to collect, analyze, and implement feedback.  For your customers, the feedback process should be smooth and engaging.

Choose this feature if High user adoption is a priority. An intuitive interface with clear instructions encourages participation from both internal teams and customers, leading to a richer pool of feedback data for analysis.

3. Analytical Tools:

Raw feedback data is powerful, but its true potential is unlocked with robust analytical tools. Look for software that empowers you to analyze sentiment, identify trends, and uncover hidden insights within your customer feedback. These insights are the gold mine that fuels informed decision-making and customer-centric strategies.

Choose this feature if: You want to go beyond basic data collection and gain actionable insights from your customer feedback. Advanced analytics empower you to identify areas for improvement, understand customer sentiment, and measure the impact of your CX initiatives.

4. Customization Options:

No two businesses are exactly alike.  Your ideal customer feedback software should be adaptable to your specific needs. Look for software that offers customization options, allowing you to tailor surveys, feedback channels, and reporting to best suit your industry, target audience, and business goals.

Choose this feature if: You have specific needs that require a flexible solution. Customization options empower you to create targeted surveys, gather feedback through the most relevant channels for your audience, and generate reports that align with your unique metrics and goals.

5. Real-Time Feedback Options:

In today's fast-paced world, gathering feedback while the experience is fresh in a customer's mind is crucial.  Look for software that offers real-time feedback options like in-app surveys or chatbots.

Choose this feature if: Capturing immediate feedback is critical for your business. Real-time options allow you to address issues quickly, improve customer experience in the moment, and gain valuable insights into the user journey.

6. Advanced Reporting & Alerting:

Don't let valuable insights get lost in a sea of data.  Choose software with robust reporting features that allow you to visualize trends, track progress over time, and identify areas requiring attention.  Additionally, consider alert features that notify you of critical feedback or negative sentiment, allowing for proactive problem-solving.

Choose this feature if: Staying on top of customer feedback and taking timely action is a priority. Comprehensive reporting and alerts empower you to make data-driven decisions, address customer concerns promptly, and continuously improve your customer experience.

Not just these! Several other features are also important like sentiment analysis, multilingual support, and advanced security measures depending on your specific needs. 

To select the ideal customer feedback software that empowers you to listen to your customers and achieve long-term success, prioritize the features that best align with your business goals and budget.

Choosing Right Customer Feedback Software:

Choosing Right Customer Feedback Software

Customer feedback software empowers you to unlock the voice of your customers, but with a plethora of options available, we know what exactly you are looking for! Here are the key considerations to navigate through the selection process:

1. Identifying Specific Feedback Collection Needs:

The very first step is to gain a crystal-clear understanding of your specific needs. What kind of feedback do you want to collect? Here are some questions to ponder:

  • Customer Journey Stages: Do you want to gather feedback at specific touchpoints within the customer journey (e.g., post-purchase surveys, in-app feedback widgets)?

  • Feedback Formats: Do you need traditional surveys, NPS tracking, sentiment analysis tools, or a combination?

  • Target Audience: How will you collect feedback (email, SMS, in-app)? It's crucial to consider your target audience's preferences.

By clearly defining your feedback collection needs, you can shortlist software that offers specific features and functionalities to meet your goals.

2. Assessing Software Integration with Existing Tools:

Seamless integration is key. Consider the software ecosystem you already use. Does the customer feedback software integrate with your CRM, marketing automation platform, or analytics tools? Streamlined data flow eliminates data silos and empowers you to gain a holistic view of your customer data. 

Evaluate the software's integration capabilities to ensure it plays nicely with your existing tools and avoids creating data management headaches.

3. Considering Your Budget and Software Pricing Options:

Customer feedback software pricing varies widely.  Some offer freemium models with limited features, while others have tiered pricing based on functionalities and user volume. Be upfront about your budget and explore the pricing options offered by different software providers. 

Don't be afraid to leverage free trials to test-drive the software and assess its value proposition before committing. Most expensive software isn't always the best fit. Choose a solution that aligns with your budget and offers the features you need to achieve your feedback goals.

4. Evaluating the Scalability of Feedback Tools:

Your business is bound to grow!  Ensure the customer feedback software you choose can scale alongside your needs.  Consider the software's ability to handle increased user volume, data storage capacity, and the flexibility to adapt to your evolving feedback collection needs. Opting for a scalable solution ensures you're not locked into software that becomes obsolete as your business thrives.

Benefits of Implementing Customer Feedback Software:

The problem it solves:  Inefficient and Fragmented Feedback Collection.
Benefit you receive: Streamlined channels for feedback capture (surveys, in-app, social media) ensure you never miss a valuable customer voice.

The problem it solves:  Data Overload and Limited Analysis
Benefit you receive: Powerful analytics tools transform raw data into actionable insights, revealing customer sentiment, trends, and areas for improvement.

The problem it solves:  Guesswork and Missed Opportunities
Benefit you receive: Data-driven decision-making based on customer feedback empowers you to identify unmet needs, develop winning products, and personalize the customer experience.

The problem it solves:  High Customer Churn and Lost Revenue
Benefit you receive: Proactive problem-solving through real-time feedback allows you to address customer concerns promptly, improve satisfaction, and build loyalty.

The problem it solves:  Limited Understanding of Customer Needs
Benefit you receive In-depth customer insights empower you to tailor your offerings and marketing strategies to resonate with your target audience.

The problem it solves:  Disconnected Teams and Siloed Information
Benefit you receive: Centralized feedback platforms foster collaboration across departments, ensuring everyone is aligned on customer needs and priorities.

Trends in Customer Feedback Software for 2024:

The landscape of customer feedback software is undergoing a dynamic transformation. In 2024, several key trends will shape how businesses gather and utilize customer insights.

Firstly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will be central in analyzing feedback data. Imagine software that automatically identifies customer sentiment, uncovers hidden themes, and even predicts potential churn. 

 Secondly, businesses will prioritize collecting feedback across multiple channels, from in-app surveys to social media listening. This multi-channel approach allows for a more holistic understanding of the customer experience. Follow our blogs to get updates on trends regularly.


Understanding your customers is paramount in today's competitive business landscape. Customer feedback software empowers you to gather valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and deliver exceptional experiences. By leveraging cutting-edge feedback tools, you can transform your customer's voice into a powerful tool for continuous improvement and long-term success.

Ready to unlock the true potential of customer feedback?  

Metaforms leverages the power of AI to personalize the feedback collection process, gather richer data, and deliver deeper insights.  Explore Metaforms today and see how AI can revolutionize the way you gather and utilize customer feedback productively.

Have you ever wondered why some companies seem to understand their customer’s needs magically? The answer is - Customer feedback! 

In fact, a recent Forbes study revealed that 81% of businesses believe happy customers are the key to growth. Surprisingly, another study found that 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain; however, 91% will simply leave and never come back!

This disconnect highlights the crucial role of effective customer feedback software in today's business landscape.  In 2024, the customer feedback software scene is exploding with innovative tools designed to bridge this gap. This article empowers you to harness the power of customer insights and transform your business!


Imagine a constant stream of ideas and insights flowing directly from your customers. That's the magic of customer feedback! You create a powerful feedback loop that fuels business growth by actively soliciting and implementing feedback.  

Happy customers who feel heard become loyal brand advocates, singing your praises and propelling you forward. This feedback also unveils hidden opportunities for innovation.

It's a treasure trove of insights that informs everything from marketing campaigns and pricing strategies to resource allocation.  Think of it as a compass guiding you towards a future filled with satisfied customers, thriving products, and a flourishing business.

Customer feedback software in 2024 is a game-changer. Forget clunky surveys! Modern tools offer a seamless user experience for you and your customers, allowing you to collect feedback via multiple channels (email, SMS, in-app surveys, social media) and transform it into actionable insights with powerful analytics and AI features like sentiment analysis. 

Understanding Customer Feedback Software:

Customer Feedback Softwares

Customer feedback is the lifeblood of any successful business, but gathering and analyzing it can initially feel overwhelming. But, what exactly is the Customer feedback software?

Customer feedback software is a centralized platform designed to streamline the entire feedback lifecycle. Imagine a command center where you can effortlessly collect feedback through surveys, polls, in-app messages, and even social media comments. This software goes beyond mere data collection; it empowers you to analyze and transform raw feedback into actionable insights.

How Feedback Software Makes a Difference?

How Feedback Software Makes a Difference

Comprehensive Guide to the Best Customer Feedback Software of 2024:

Choosing the right customer feedback software is like finding the perfect key to unlock a treasure trove of customer insights. But with so many options on the market, it can feel overwhelming. We are here to break it down for you.

1. Metaforms

Metaforms AI


  • AI-powered form generation: Describe your desired feedback and Metaform's AI creates a personalized form with relevant data points.

  • Richer data collection: Conditional flows and smart forms ensure you gather the most relevant information.

  • Deeper insights: AI-powered sentiment analysis helps you understand the emotional tone behind the feedback.

  • Actionable suggestions: Leverage AI for follow-up suggestions, allowing you to respond to feedback more effectively.


  • Newer player: relatively new player in the marked

Pricing: Try your free forms and get personalized quotes.

Best Suited For: Businesses seeking an innovative and AI-powered solution for collecting feedback. Ideal for companies looking to personalize the feedback experience, gather richer data through smart forms, and leverage AI for deeper insights and follow-up suggestions.

2. Survicate:



  • Multi-channel distribution: Collect feedback through various channels like email, SMS, in-app surveys, website pop-ups, and social media integrations.

  • Customization power: Tailor surveys and reports to your specific needs with extensive customization options.


  • Limited advanced analytics: Analytic features might be less robust compared to some competitors focused on deep data analysis.

Pricing: Free & paid plans
Best Suited For: Businesses of all sizes seeking a versatile and customizable feedback solution with a focus on multi-channel distribution.

3. Zendesk:



  • Seamless Zendesk integration: Unifies customer service, ticketing, and feedback management within your existing Zendesk ecosystem for a holistic view of the customer journey.


  • Limited customization: Customization options for surveys and reports might be less flexible than dedicated feedback software.

Pricing: Starts at $19 per month with free trials.

Best Suited For: Businesses already invested in the Zendesk ecosystem seeking a tightly integrated solution for customer service and feedback management.

4. UserGuiding:



  • Interactive in-app feedback: Goes beyond surveys with product tours, walkthroughs, and contextual feedback widgets embedded directly in your app or website, fostering in-the-moment feedback and user education.


  • Limited scope: Focuses primarily on in-app feedback and user onboarding. May not be ideal for broader customer experience surveys or in-depth sentiment analysis.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $89 per month.

Best Suited For: SaaS companies and product-focused businesses seeking to improve user onboarding, collect in-app feedback, and enhance the user experience.

5. Hotjar:



  • User behavior analytics: Goes beyond surveys with heatmaps, session recordings, and click tracking to reveal how users interact with your website or app.

  • Combined insights: To comprehensively understand the user experience, combine user behavior data with visual feedback tools like polls and surveys.


  • More straightforward survey creation: Survey creation features might be more basic than dedicated survey software focused on complex questionnaires.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $32 per month.

Best Suited For: Businesses seeking to understand user behavior alongside traditional feedback methods. Ideal for optimizing website layouts, user flows, and conversion funnels.

6. SurveyMonkey:



  • Survey powerhouse: Offers a vast library of survey templates, question types, and advanced logic branching for highly customized surveys, catering to complex needs.

  • Distribution versatility: Powerful distribution options allow you to reach your target audience through various channels.

  • Detailed reporting: Generate in-depth reports to gain valuable insights from your survey data.


  • Limited UI customization: User interface customization options might be limited.

  • Complexity for simple needs: Feature-rich platforms might feel overwhelming for simple feedback collection.

Pricing: Available for both individual and enterprise level starting at INR 1550

Best Suited For: Businesses of all sizes need a comprehensive solution for creating complex surveys, distributing them through various channels, and generating detailed reports.

7. Typeform:


  • Engaging design: A visually appealing and interactive survey format leads to higher response rates and a more engaging customer experience.

  • User-friendly platform: Easy to use for both creators and respondents, making feedback collection a breeze.


  • Limited branching logic: Advanced branching logic for complex surveys might be less robust than some competitors.

  • Simpler reporting: Reporting capabilities might be more basic than feature-rich survey software.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $25 per month.

Best Suited For: Businesses seeking a user-friendly and visually appealing way to collect feedback through surveys, quizzes, or product registration forms. Ideal for short, engaging surveys with a focus on high response rates.

8. Qualtrics XM:

Qualtrics XM


  • All-in-one experience management: Qualtrics XM offers a powerful suite of tools for customer feedback, employee engagement, and brand tracking, providing a holistic view of experience across various touchpoints.

  • Scalability: Designed to handle the needs of large enterprises with the ability to scale and adapt to growing requirements.


  • Complexity: Due to its comprehensive nature, Qualtrics XM can be complex to set up and use, requiring significant investment in training and ongoing management.

Pricing: Custom quotes based on specific needs. 

Best Suited For: Large enterprises seeking a comprehensive and scalable solution for managing all aspects of customer experience, employee sentiment, and brand perception.

Key Features to Look for in Customer Feedback Software:

Equipping yourself with the right customer feedback software is like selecting the perfect weapon in your CX arsenal. It empowers you to gather valuable insights, understand your customers better, and ultimately achieve business success. 

But with so many options on the market, choosing the ideal software can feel overwhelming.  Here's a breakdown of the key features to prioritize, along with guidance on when each feature is most beneficial:

1. Integration Capabilities:

Imagine a world where your customer feedback software seamlessly integrates with your existing CRM, marketing automation, or analytics platform. This eliminates data silos and ensures a holistic view of your customer journey.

Choose this feature if: You use multiple software platforms to manage customer interactions, marketing campaigns, and data analysis. Integrations streamline workflows, reduce manual data entry, and provide a unified view of your customer data.

2. User-Friendly Interface:

A user-friendly interface is crucial for both you and your customers. Your team should be able to navigate the software effortlessly to collect, analyze, and implement feedback.  For your customers, the feedback process should be smooth and engaging.

Choose this feature if High user adoption is a priority. An intuitive interface with clear instructions encourages participation from both internal teams and customers, leading to a richer pool of feedback data for analysis.

3. Analytical Tools:

Raw feedback data is powerful, but its true potential is unlocked with robust analytical tools. Look for software that empowers you to analyze sentiment, identify trends, and uncover hidden insights within your customer feedback. These insights are the gold mine that fuels informed decision-making and customer-centric strategies.

Choose this feature if: You want to go beyond basic data collection and gain actionable insights from your customer feedback. Advanced analytics empower you to identify areas for improvement, understand customer sentiment, and measure the impact of your CX initiatives.

4. Customization Options:

No two businesses are exactly alike.  Your ideal customer feedback software should be adaptable to your specific needs. Look for software that offers customization options, allowing you to tailor surveys, feedback channels, and reporting to best suit your industry, target audience, and business goals.

Choose this feature if: You have specific needs that require a flexible solution. Customization options empower you to create targeted surveys, gather feedback through the most relevant channels for your audience, and generate reports that align with your unique metrics and goals.

5. Real-Time Feedback Options:

In today's fast-paced world, gathering feedback while the experience is fresh in a customer's mind is crucial.  Look for software that offers real-time feedback options like in-app surveys or chatbots.

Choose this feature if: Capturing immediate feedback is critical for your business. Real-time options allow you to address issues quickly, improve customer experience in the moment, and gain valuable insights into the user journey.

6. Advanced Reporting & Alerting:

Don't let valuable insights get lost in a sea of data.  Choose software with robust reporting features that allow you to visualize trends, track progress over time, and identify areas requiring attention.  Additionally, consider alert features that notify you of critical feedback or negative sentiment, allowing for proactive problem-solving.

Choose this feature if: Staying on top of customer feedback and taking timely action is a priority. Comprehensive reporting and alerts empower you to make data-driven decisions, address customer concerns promptly, and continuously improve your customer experience.

Not just these! Several other features are also important like sentiment analysis, multilingual support, and advanced security measures depending on your specific needs. 

To select the ideal customer feedback software that empowers you to listen to your customers and achieve long-term success, prioritize the features that best align with your business goals and budget.

Choosing Right Customer Feedback Software:

Choosing Right Customer Feedback Software

Customer feedback software empowers you to unlock the voice of your customers, but with a plethora of options available, we know what exactly you are looking for! Here are the key considerations to navigate through the selection process:

1. Identifying Specific Feedback Collection Needs:

The very first step is to gain a crystal-clear understanding of your specific needs. What kind of feedback do you want to collect? Here are some questions to ponder:

  • Customer Journey Stages: Do you want to gather feedback at specific touchpoints within the customer journey (e.g., post-purchase surveys, in-app feedback widgets)?

  • Feedback Formats: Do you need traditional surveys, NPS tracking, sentiment analysis tools, or a combination?

  • Target Audience: How will you collect feedback (email, SMS, in-app)? It's crucial to consider your target audience's preferences.

By clearly defining your feedback collection needs, you can shortlist software that offers specific features and functionalities to meet your goals.

2. Assessing Software Integration with Existing Tools:

Seamless integration is key. Consider the software ecosystem you already use. Does the customer feedback software integrate with your CRM, marketing automation platform, or analytics tools? Streamlined data flow eliminates data silos and empowers you to gain a holistic view of your customer data. 

Evaluate the software's integration capabilities to ensure it plays nicely with your existing tools and avoids creating data management headaches.

3. Considering Your Budget and Software Pricing Options:

Customer feedback software pricing varies widely.  Some offer freemium models with limited features, while others have tiered pricing based on functionalities and user volume. Be upfront about your budget and explore the pricing options offered by different software providers. 

Don't be afraid to leverage free trials to test-drive the software and assess its value proposition before committing. Most expensive software isn't always the best fit. Choose a solution that aligns with your budget and offers the features you need to achieve your feedback goals.

4. Evaluating the Scalability of Feedback Tools:

Your business is bound to grow!  Ensure the customer feedback software you choose can scale alongside your needs.  Consider the software's ability to handle increased user volume, data storage capacity, and the flexibility to adapt to your evolving feedback collection needs. Opting for a scalable solution ensures you're not locked into software that becomes obsolete as your business thrives.

Benefits of Implementing Customer Feedback Software:

The problem it solves:  Inefficient and Fragmented Feedback Collection.
Benefit you receive: Streamlined channels for feedback capture (surveys, in-app, social media) ensure you never miss a valuable customer voice.

The problem it solves:  Data Overload and Limited Analysis
Benefit you receive: Powerful analytics tools transform raw data into actionable insights, revealing customer sentiment, trends, and areas for improvement.

The problem it solves:  Guesswork and Missed Opportunities
Benefit you receive: Data-driven decision-making based on customer feedback empowers you to identify unmet needs, develop winning products, and personalize the customer experience.

The problem it solves:  High Customer Churn and Lost Revenue
Benefit you receive: Proactive problem-solving through real-time feedback allows you to address customer concerns promptly, improve satisfaction, and build loyalty.

The problem it solves:  Limited Understanding of Customer Needs
Benefit you receive In-depth customer insights empower you to tailor your offerings and marketing strategies to resonate with your target audience.

The problem it solves:  Disconnected Teams and Siloed Information
Benefit you receive: Centralized feedback platforms foster collaboration across departments, ensuring everyone is aligned on customer needs and priorities.

Trends in Customer Feedback Software for 2024:

The landscape of customer feedback software is undergoing a dynamic transformation. In 2024, several key trends will shape how businesses gather and utilize customer insights.

Firstly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will be central in analyzing feedback data. Imagine software that automatically identifies customer sentiment, uncovers hidden themes, and even predicts potential churn. 

 Secondly, businesses will prioritize collecting feedback across multiple channels, from in-app surveys to social media listening. This multi-channel approach allows for a more holistic understanding of the customer experience. Follow our blogs to get updates on trends regularly.


Understanding your customers is paramount in today's competitive business landscape. Customer feedback software empowers you to gather valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and deliver exceptional experiences. By leveraging cutting-edge feedback tools, you can transform your customer's voice into a powerful tool for continuous improvement and long-term success.

Ready to unlock the true potential of customer feedback?  

Metaforms leverages the power of AI to personalize the feedback collection process, gather richer data, and deliver deeper insights.  Explore Metaforms today and see how AI can revolutionize the way you gather and utilize customer feedback productively.

Have you ever wondered why some companies seem to understand their customer’s needs magically? The answer is - Customer feedback! 

In fact, a recent Forbes study revealed that 81% of businesses believe happy customers are the key to growth. Surprisingly, another study found that 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain; however, 91% will simply leave and never come back!

This disconnect highlights the crucial role of effective customer feedback software in today's business landscape.  In 2024, the customer feedback software scene is exploding with innovative tools designed to bridge this gap. This article empowers you to harness the power of customer insights and transform your business!


Imagine a constant stream of ideas and insights flowing directly from your customers. That's the magic of customer feedback! You create a powerful feedback loop that fuels business growth by actively soliciting and implementing feedback.  

Happy customers who feel heard become loyal brand advocates, singing your praises and propelling you forward. This feedback also unveils hidden opportunities for innovation.

It's a treasure trove of insights that informs everything from marketing campaigns and pricing strategies to resource allocation.  Think of it as a compass guiding you towards a future filled with satisfied customers, thriving products, and a flourishing business.

Customer feedback software in 2024 is a game-changer. Forget clunky surveys! Modern tools offer a seamless user experience for you and your customers, allowing you to collect feedback via multiple channels (email, SMS, in-app surveys, social media) and transform it into actionable insights with powerful analytics and AI features like sentiment analysis. 

Understanding Customer Feedback Software:

Customer Feedback Softwares

Customer feedback is the lifeblood of any successful business, but gathering and analyzing it can initially feel overwhelming. But, what exactly is the Customer feedback software?

Customer feedback software is a centralized platform designed to streamline the entire feedback lifecycle. Imagine a command center where you can effortlessly collect feedback through surveys, polls, in-app messages, and even social media comments. This software goes beyond mere data collection; it empowers you to analyze and transform raw feedback into actionable insights.

How Feedback Software Makes a Difference?

How Feedback Software Makes a Difference

Comprehensive Guide to the Best Customer Feedback Software of 2024:

Choosing the right customer feedback software is like finding the perfect key to unlock a treasure trove of customer insights. But with so many options on the market, it can feel overwhelming. We are here to break it down for you.

1. Metaforms

Metaforms AI


  • AI-powered form generation: Describe your desired feedback and Metaform's AI creates a personalized form with relevant data points.

  • Richer data collection: Conditional flows and smart forms ensure you gather the most relevant information.

  • Deeper insights: AI-powered sentiment analysis helps you understand the emotional tone behind the feedback.

  • Actionable suggestions: Leverage AI for follow-up suggestions, allowing you to respond to feedback more effectively.


  • Newer player: relatively new player in the marked

Pricing: Try your free forms and get personalized quotes.

Best Suited For: Businesses seeking an innovative and AI-powered solution for collecting feedback. Ideal for companies looking to personalize the feedback experience, gather richer data through smart forms, and leverage AI for deeper insights and follow-up suggestions.

2. Survicate:



  • Multi-channel distribution: Collect feedback through various channels like email, SMS, in-app surveys, website pop-ups, and social media integrations.

  • Customization power: Tailor surveys and reports to your specific needs with extensive customization options.


  • Limited advanced analytics: Analytic features might be less robust compared to some competitors focused on deep data analysis.

Pricing: Free & paid plans
Best Suited For: Businesses of all sizes seeking a versatile and customizable feedback solution with a focus on multi-channel distribution.

3. Zendesk:



  • Seamless Zendesk integration: Unifies customer service, ticketing, and feedback management within your existing Zendesk ecosystem for a holistic view of the customer journey.


  • Limited customization: Customization options for surveys and reports might be less flexible than dedicated feedback software.

Pricing: Starts at $19 per month with free trials.

Best Suited For: Businesses already invested in the Zendesk ecosystem seeking a tightly integrated solution for customer service and feedback management.

4. UserGuiding:



  • Interactive in-app feedback: Goes beyond surveys with product tours, walkthroughs, and contextual feedback widgets embedded directly in your app or website, fostering in-the-moment feedback and user education.


  • Limited scope: Focuses primarily on in-app feedback and user onboarding. May not be ideal for broader customer experience surveys or in-depth sentiment analysis.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $89 per month.

Best Suited For: SaaS companies and product-focused businesses seeking to improve user onboarding, collect in-app feedback, and enhance the user experience.

5. Hotjar:



  • User behavior analytics: Goes beyond surveys with heatmaps, session recordings, and click tracking to reveal how users interact with your website or app.

  • Combined insights: To comprehensively understand the user experience, combine user behavior data with visual feedback tools like polls and surveys.


  • More straightforward survey creation: Survey creation features might be more basic than dedicated survey software focused on complex questionnaires.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $32 per month.

Best Suited For: Businesses seeking to understand user behavior alongside traditional feedback methods. Ideal for optimizing website layouts, user flows, and conversion funnels.

6. SurveyMonkey:



  • Survey powerhouse: Offers a vast library of survey templates, question types, and advanced logic branching for highly customized surveys, catering to complex needs.

  • Distribution versatility: Powerful distribution options allow you to reach your target audience through various channels.

  • Detailed reporting: Generate in-depth reports to gain valuable insights from your survey data.


  • Limited UI customization: User interface customization options might be limited.

  • Complexity for simple needs: Feature-rich platforms might feel overwhelming for simple feedback collection.

Pricing: Available for both individual and enterprise level starting at INR 1550

Best Suited For: Businesses of all sizes need a comprehensive solution for creating complex surveys, distributing them through various channels, and generating detailed reports.

7. Typeform:


  • Engaging design: A visually appealing and interactive survey format leads to higher response rates and a more engaging customer experience.

  • User-friendly platform: Easy to use for both creators and respondents, making feedback collection a breeze.


  • Limited branching logic: Advanced branching logic for complex surveys might be less robust than some competitors.

  • Simpler reporting: Reporting capabilities might be more basic than feature-rich survey software.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $25 per month.

Best Suited For: Businesses seeking a user-friendly and visually appealing way to collect feedback through surveys, quizzes, or product registration forms. Ideal for short, engaging surveys with a focus on high response rates.

8. Qualtrics XM:

Qualtrics XM


  • All-in-one experience management: Qualtrics XM offers a powerful suite of tools for customer feedback, employee engagement, and brand tracking, providing a holistic view of experience across various touchpoints.

  • Scalability: Designed to handle the needs of large enterprises with the ability to scale and adapt to growing requirements.


  • Complexity: Due to its comprehensive nature, Qualtrics XM can be complex to set up and use, requiring significant investment in training and ongoing management.

Pricing: Custom quotes based on specific needs. 

Best Suited For: Large enterprises seeking a comprehensive and scalable solution for managing all aspects of customer experience, employee sentiment, and brand perception.

Key Features to Look for in Customer Feedback Software:

Equipping yourself with the right customer feedback software is like selecting the perfect weapon in your CX arsenal. It empowers you to gather valuable insights, understand your customers better, and ultimately achieve business success. 

But with so many options on the market, choosing the ideal software can feel overwhelming.  Here's a breakdown of the key features to prioritize, along with guidance on when each feature is most beneficial:

1. Integration Capabilities:

Imagine a world where your customer feedback software seamlessly integrates with your existing CRM, marketing automation, or analytics platform. This eliminates data silos and ensures a holistic view of your customer journey.

Choose this feature if: You use multiple software platforms to manage customer interactions, marketing campaigns, and data analysis. Integrations streamline workflows, reduce manual data entry, and provide a unified view of your customer data.

2. User-Friendly Interface:

A user-friendly interface is crucial for both you and your customers. Your team should be able to navigate the software effortlessly to collect, analyze, and implement feedback.  For your customers, the feedback process should be smooth and engaging.

Choose this feature if High user adoption is a priority. An intuitive interface with clear instructions encourages participation from both internal teams and customers, leading to a richer pool of feedback data for analysis.

3. Analytical Tools:

Raw feedback data is powerful, but its true potential is unlocked with robust analytical tools. Look for software that empowers you to analyze sentiment, identify trends, and uncover hidden insights within your customer feedback. These insights are the gold mine that fuels informed decision-making and customer-centric strategies.

Choose this feature if: You want to go beyond basic data collection and gain actionable insights from your customer feedback. Advanced analytics empower you to identify areas for improvement, understand customer sentiment, and measure the impact of your CX initiatives.

4. Customization Options:

No two businesses are exactly alike.  Your ideal customer feedback software should be adaptable to your specific needs. Look for software that offers customization options, allowing you to tailor surveys, feedback channels, and reporting to best suit your industry, target audience, and business goals.

Choose this feature if: You have specific needs that require a flexible solution. Customization options empower you to create targeted surveys, gather feedback through the most relevant channels for your audience, and generate reports that align with your unique metrics and goals.

5. Real-Time Feedback Options:

In today's fast-paced world, gathering feedback while the experience is fresh in a customer's mind is crucial.  Look for software that offers real-time feedback options like in-app surveys or chatbots.

Choose this feature if: Capturing immediate feedback is critical for your business. Real-time options allow you to address issues quickly, improve customer experience in the moment, and gain valuable insights into the user journey.

6. Advanced Reporting & Alerting:

Don't let valuable insights get lost in a sea of data.  Choose software with robust reporting features that allow you to visualize trends, track progress over time, and identify areas requiring attention.  Additionally, consider alert features that notify you of critical feedback or negative sentiment, allowing for proactive problem-solving.

Choose this feature if: Staying on top of customer feedback and taking timely action is a priority. Comprehensive reporting and alerts empower you to make data-driven decisions, address customer concerns promptly, and continuously improve your customer experience.

Not just these! Several other features are also important like sentiment analysis, multilingual support, and advanced security measures depending on your specific needs. 

To select the ideal customer feedback software that empowers you to listen to your customers and achieve long-term success, prioritize the features that best align with your business goals and budget.

Choosing Right Customer Feedback Software:

Choosing Right Customer Feedback Software

Customer feedback software empowers you to unlock the voice of your customers, but with a plethora of options available, we know what exactly you are looking for! Here are the key considerations to navigate through the selection process:

1. Identifying Specific Feedback Collection Needs:

The very first step is to gain a crystal-clear understanding of your specific needs. What kind of feedback do you want to collect? Here are some questions to ponder:

  • Customer Journey Stages: Do you want to gather feedback at specific touchpoints within the customer journey (e.g., post-purchase surveys, in-app feedback widgets)?

  • Feedback Formats: Do you need traditional surveys, NPS tracking, sentiment analysis tools, or a combination?

  • Target Audience: How will you collect feedback (email, SMS, in-app)? It's crucial to consider your target audience's preferences.

By clearly defining your feedback collection needs, you can shortlist software that offers specific features and functionalities to meet your goals.

2. Assessing Software Integration with Existing Tools:

Seamless integration is key. Consider the software ecosystem you already use. Does the customer feedback software integrate with your CRM, marketing automation platform, or analytics tools? Streamlined data flow eliminates data silos and empowers you to gain a holistic view of your customer data. 

Evaluate the software's integration capabilities to ensure it plays nicely with your existing tools and avoids creating data management headaches.

3. Considering Your Budget and Software Pricing Options:

Customer feedback software pricing varies widely.  Some offer freemium models with limited features, while others have tiered pricing based on functionalities and user volume. Be upfront about your budget and explore the pricing options offered by different software providers. 

Don't be afraid to leverage free trials to test-drive the software and assess its value proposition before committing. Most expensive software isn't always the best fit. Choose a solution that aligns with your budget and offers the features you need to achieve your feedback goals.

4. Evaluating the Scalability of Feedback Tools:

Your business is bound to grow!  Ensure the customer feedback software you choose can scale alongside your needs.  Consider the software's ability to handle increased user volume, data storage capacity, and the flexibility to adapt to your evolving feedback collection needs. Opting for a scalable solution ensures you're not locked into software that becomes obsolete as your business thrives.

Benefits of Implementing Customer Feedback Software:

The problem it solves:  Inefficient and Fragmented Feedback Collection.
Benefit you receive: Streamlined channels for feedback capture (surveys, in-app, social media) ensure you never miss a valuable customer voice.

The problem it solves:  Data Overload and Limited Analysis
Benefit you receive: Powerful analytics tools transform raw data into actionable insights, revealing customer sentiment, trends, and areas for improvement.

The problem it solves:  Guesswork and Missed Opportunities
Benefit you receive: Data-driven decision-making based on customer feedback empowers you to identify unmet needs, develop winning products, and personalize the customer experience.

The problem it solves:  High Customer Churn and Lost Revenue
Benefit you receive: Proactive problem-solving through real-time feedback allows you to address customer concerns promptly, improve satisfaction, and build loyalty.

The problem it solves:  Limited Understanding of Customer Needs
Benefit you receive In-depth customer insights empower you to tailor your offerings and marketing strategies to resonate with your target audience.

The problem it solves:  Disconnected Teams and Siloed Information
Benefit you receive: Centralized feedback platforms foster collaboration across departments, ensuring everyone is aligned on customer needs and priorities.

Trends in Customer Feedback Software for 2024:

The landscape of customer feedback software is undergoing a dynamic transformation. In 2024, several key trends will shape how businesses gather and utilize customer insights.

Firstly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will be central in analyzing feedback data. Imagine software that automatically identifies customer sentiment, uncovers hidden themes, and even predicts potential churn. 

 Secondly, businesses will prioritize collecting feedback across multiple channels, from in-app surveys to social media listening. This multi-channel approach allows for a more holistic understanding of the customer experience. Follow our blogs to get updates on trends regularly.


Understanding your customers is paramount in today's competitive business landscape. Customer feedback software empowers you to gather valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and deliver exceptional experiences. By leveraging cutting-edge feedback tools, you can transform your customer's voice into a powerful tool for continuous improvement and long-term success.

Ready to unlock the true potential of customer feedback?  

Metaforms leverages the power of AI to personalize the feedback collection process, gather richer data, and deliver deeper insights.  Explore Metaforms today and see how AI can revolutionize the way you gather and utilize customer feedback productively.


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