Top Online Survey Tools and Platforms

Top Online Survey Tools and Platforms

Top Online Survey Tools and Platforms

Confused by all the survey tools? Find the right one to get the customer feedback you need. Free & paid options included!

Confused by all the survey tools? Find the right one to get the customer feedback you need. Free & paid options included!

Confused by all the survey tools? Find the right one to get the customer feedback you need. Free & paid options included!

Top Online Survey Tools and Platforms
Top Online Survey Tools and Platforms
Top Online Survey Tools and Platforms

So, I guess you already found out the impact of using survey forms in your business.

But, are you feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of online survey tools available? 

Then, you are just in the right place!

Choosing the right one can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. But worry not, because this guide to Top online survey tools and platforms will equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Why Online Survey Tools Matters?

Do you know that Studies indicate 95% of B2B enterprises utilize surveys to assess customer opinions and feedback?

For those who are still wondering what this magic is all about? Let's pull back the curtain for a sec and get you in on the secret.

Imagine you need customer feedback on a new product. Or maybe you're conducting market research to understand your target audience better. 

Traditional paper surveys are slow, expensive, and prone to errors. That's where online survey tools come in. They allow you to:

  • Create professional-looking surveys in minutes: No design expertise needed. Most tools offer drag-and-drop builders and pre-designed templates.

  • Reach a wider audience: Share your surveys online via email, social media, or by embedding them on your website.

  • Collect data efficiently: No more manual data entry! Online tools automatically collect and analyze your responses.

  • Gain valuable insights: Get clear reports and visualizations that help you understand what your data means.

Why Picking the Right Survey Tool Matters?

Imagine you're planning a surprise party. You need to know your guest’s preferences – food, drinks, games. Sending out a clunky, confusing survey might lead to low participation or inaccurate responses. 

But with the right tool, you can create an engaging, user-friendly survey that gets you the intel you need for an epic celebration.

The same applies to any survey you design. The right tool can,

  1. Boost response rates. A user-friendly interface with a smooth flow keeps participants engaged and motivated to finish.

  2. Gather high-quality data. Diverse question types, logic branching, and clear answer options ensure you get the most accurate information.

  3. Save you time and effort. Look for features like pre-designed templates, drag-and-drop functionality, and built-in reporting to streamline the process.

So, How Do You Choose the Right Survey Tool?

Here's the key: understanding your survey goals. 

What kind of information are you trying to collect? 

Who is your target audience? 

Once you have a clear picture, consider the following factors.

Usability: Is the interface intuitive and easy to navigate, even for non-technical users?

Features: Does the tool offer the question types you need (multiple choice, open-ended, etc.) and advanced features like logic branching and data analysis?

Integrations: Can the tool integrate with other platforms you use, like email marketing tools or project management software?

Pricing: Free plans often have limitations, while paid plans offer more features and customization options. Consider your budget and survey needs.

Here's a pro tip: Many tools offer free trials or demos. Take advantage of them to test-drive the features and see if the tool feels like a good fit.

Popular Free and Paid Online Survey Tools

Now, let's explore some popular survey tools, both free and paid.


This AI-powered tool uses smart technology to personalize surveys and ask follow-up questions based on responses, leading to faster setup and higher completion rates.

  • Interface: Easy to use with a focus on conversational flow.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including multiple choice, open ended, Likert scale, and more.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question appearance.

  • Data Privacy: High focus on data privacy with secure data storage and encryption.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with basic data visualization and reporting tools.

  • Integrations: Currently limited integrations with other platforms.

  • Free Trial: Yes, as of now Metaforms allows customers to access all features for free. Build your first AI form now


Conversational interface and AI features make surveys engaging, while multilingual support allows you to reach a wider audience.

  • Interface: Conversational interface with a chat-like flow that keeps participants engaged.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including branching logic for personalized surveys.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: High focus on data privacy with secure data storage and GDPR compliance.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with data visualization tools and real-time response tracking.

  • Integrations: Moderate range of integrations with popular marketing and analytics tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, SurveySparrow offers a free trial to explore the platform.


Create interactive surveys with advanced logic branching and real-time data visualization to keep participants hooked and understand trends as responses come in.

  • Interface: Engaging and visually appealing interface with a focus on interactive elements.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including branching logic and conditional jumps for dynamic surveys.

  • Customization: High level of customization for branding, themes, and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and various privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with real-time data visualization and detailed reporting features.

  • Integrations: Moderate range of integrations with popular marketing and analytics tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Typeform offers a free trial with limited features.

Google Forms

This free tool from Google integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace apps like Sheets and Docs. It offers unlimited surveys with basic question types and lets you analyze results with built-in charts. Ideal for quick and simple surveys, especially if you're already using Google products.

  • Interface: Simple and easy-to-use interface that integrates seamlessly with Google Workspace.

  • Question Types: Basic question types including multiple choice, short answer, and Likert scale.

  • Customization: Limited customization options for branding and question appearance.

  • Data Privacy: Google adheres to strict security protocols for data storage and privacy.

  • Dashboard: Basic dashboard with limited data visualization tools and reporting options.

  • Integrations: Integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace apps like Sheets and Docs.

  • Free Trial: Google Forms is completely free to use with unlimited surveys.


A veteran in the survey game, SurveyMonkey boasts a wide variety of question types, real-time response tracking, and powerful reporting tools. Perfect for gathering in-depth market research data or conducting customer satisfaction surveys.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with a wide range of features and functionalities.

  • Question Types: Extensive library of question types including branching logic, piping, and advanced options.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and various privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with advanced data visualization tools and robust reporting features.

  • Integrations: Extensive range of integrations with popular marketing, CRM, and analytics tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, SurveyMonkey offers a free trial with limited features.

Zoho Survey

Need to reach a multilingual audience? Zoho Survey has you covered with its support for multiple languages. It also offers over 15 question types, advanced reporting features, and lets you create beautiful, branded surveys. Great for international businesses or organizations with diverse demographics.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with multilingual support for wider reach.

  • Question Types: Over 15 question types including branching logic and advanced options.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and privacy controls compliant with various regulations.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with data visualization tools and advanced reporting features.

  • Integrations: Integrates with other Zoho products and offers a moderate range of third-party integrations.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Zoho Survey offers a free trial with limited features upto 100 responses/survey.


If customization is your jam, JotForm is your tool. It offers a massive library of pre-designed templates and robust design tools to create visually appealing surveys. Perfect for crafting professional-looking surveys that match your brand identity.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with a drag-and-drop builder for easy survey creation.

  • Question Types: Extensive library of question types including unique options like ranking and matrix.

  • Customization: High level of customization for branding, themes, and question design with pre-designed templates.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and various privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with data visualization tools and basic reporting features.

  • Integrations: Extensive range of integrations with popular marketing, CRM, and payment tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, JotForm offers a free plan with limitations and paid plans for additional features.

Microsoft Forms

Live within the Microsoft ecosystem? Microsoft Forms integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products like Teams and Excel. Plus, it offers real-time data sync with Excel for easy analysis. Ideal for internal surveys within organizations that heavily rely on Microsoft products.

  • Interface: Simple and familiar interface that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365.

  • Question Types: Basic question types including multiple choice, short answer, and Likert scale.

  • Customization: Limited customization options for branding and question appearance

  • Data Privacy: Microsoft adheres to strict security protocols for data storage and privacy within the Microsoft ecosystem.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with basic data visualization tools and limited reporting options.

  • Integrations: Integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 apps like Teams and Excel.

  • Free Trial: Microsoft Forms is completely free to use with unlimited surveys.


This AI-powered tool is a dream come true for Notion and Airtable users. It uses AI to streamline survey creation and seamlessly integrates the data with your Notion or Airtable workspace. Perfect for teams that already use these platforms to manage projects and data.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with AI-powered features to streamline survey creation.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including branching logic and integration with existing data from Notion/Airtable.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with basic data visualization tools and reporting features.

  • Integrations: Seamless integration with Notion and Airtable for data transfer.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Fillout offers a free trial with limited features.


This heavyweight tool is designed for large organizations and experience management (XM) professionals. It offers comprehensive reporting features, advanced analytics capabilities, and robust security protocols. Ideal for companies that need to gather in-depth customer or employee feedback and analyze it on a large scale.

  • Interface: Complex and feature-rich interface designed for advanced users and large organizations.

  • Question Types: Extensive library of question types including advanced options for complex surveys.

  • Customization: High level of customization for branding, themes, and survey design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers robust security protocols and compliance with various privacy regulations.

  • Dashboard: Advanced dashboard with comprehensive data visualization and in-depth reporting tools.

  • Integrations: Extensive range of integrations with business intelligence and analytics platforms.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Qualtrics offers a limited free trial, often requiring contact with a sales representative for full access.

Choosing the right survey tool isn't about picking the fanciest one – it's about finding the perfect fit for your needs. Think about what kind of information you're gathering, who you're asking, and how much you can spend. Many tools offer free trials or limited free plans, so you can test them out before committing. 

Read user reviews to see what others liked (and disliked!) to avoid any surprises. Remember, the best tool is the one that makes creating your survey easy and helps you gather the valuable information you need.


So there you have it! With a little planning and exploration, you can find the perfect survey tool that fits your needs like a glove. 

Remember, the best tool is the one that makes creating your survey a breeze and helps you gather the valuable insights you're looking for. Don't be afraid to experiment with free trials and demos to find the perfect match. 

Now go forth and create awesome surveys! Want to try a tool with AI-powered features for faster setup and higher completion rates? Check out Metaforms!

So, I guess you already found out the impact of using survey forms in your business.

But, are you feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of online survey tools available? 

Then, you are just in the right place!

Choosing the right one can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. But worry not, because this guide to Top online survey tools and platforms will equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Why Online Survey Tools Matters?

Do you know that Studies indicate 95% of B2B enterprises utilize surveys to assess customer opinions and feedback?

For those who are still wondering what this magic is all about? Let's pull back the curtain for a sec and get you in on the secret.

Imagine you need customer feedback on a new product. Or maybe you're conducting market research to understand your target audience better. 

Traditional paper surveys are slow, expensive, and prone to errors. That's where online survey tools come in. They allow you to:

  • Create professional-looking surveys in minutes: No design expertise needed. Most tools offer drag-and-drop builders and pre-designed templates.

  • Reach a wider audience: Share your surveys online via email, social media, or by embedding them on your website.

  • Collect data efficiently: No more manual data entry! Online tools automatically collect and analyze your responses.

  • Gain valuable insights: Get clear reports and visualizations that help you understand what your data means.

Why Picking the Right Survey Tool Matters?

Imagine you're planning a surprise party. You need to know your guest’s preferences – food, drinks, games. Sending out a clunky, confusing survey might lead to low participation or inaccurate responses. 

But with the right tool, you can create an engaging, user-friendly survey that gets you the intel you need for an epic celebration.

The same applies to any survey you design. The right tool can,

  1. Boost response rates. A user-friendly interface with a smooth flow keeps participants engaged and motivated to finish.

  2. Gather high-quality data. Diverse question types, logic branching, and clear answer options ensure you get the most accurate information.

  3. Save you time and effort. Look for features like pre-designed templates, drag-and-drop functionality, and built-in reporting to streamline the process.

So, How Do You Choose the Right Survey Tool?

Here's the key: understanding your survey goals. 

What kind of information are you trying to collect? 

Who is your target audience? 

Once you have a clear picture, consider the following factors.

Usability: Is the interface intuitive and easy to navigate, even for non-technical users?

Features: Does the tool offer the question types you need (multiple choice, open-ended, etc.) and advanced features like logic branching and data analysis?

Integrations: Can the tool integrate with other platforms you use, like email marketing tools or project management software?

Pricing: Free plans often have limitations, while paid plans offer more features and customization options. Consider your budget and survey needs.

Here's a pro tip: Many tools offer free trials or demos. Take advantage of them to test-drive the features and see if the tool feels like a good fit.

Popular Free and Paid Online Survey Tools

Now, let's explore some popular survey tools, both free and paid.


This AI-powered tool uses smart technology to personalize surveys and ask follow-up questions based on responses, leading to faster setup and higher completion rates.

  • Interface: Easy to use with a focus on conversational flow.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including multiple choice, open ended, Likert scale, and more.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question appearance.

  • Data Privacy: High focus on data privacy with secure data storage and encryption.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with basic data visualization and reporting tools.

  • Integrations: Currently limited integrations with other platforms.

  • Free Trial: Yes, as of now Metaforms allows customers to access all features for free. Build your first AI form now


Conversational interface and AI features make surveys engaging, while multilingual support allows you to reach a wider audience.

  • Interface: Conversational interface with a chat-like flow that keeps participants engaged.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including branching logic for personalized surveys.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: High focus on data privacy with secure data storage and GDPR compliance.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with data visualization tools and real-time response tracking.

  • Integrations: Moderate range of integrations with popular marketing and analytics tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, SurveySparrow offers a free trial to explore the platform.


Create interactive surveys with advanced logic branching and real-time data visualization to keep participants hooked and understand trends as responses come in.

  • Interface: Engaging and visually appealing interface with a focus on interactive elements.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including branching logic and conditional jumps for dynamic surveys.

  • Customization: High level of customization for branding, themes, and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and various privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with real-time data visualization and detailed reporting features.

  • Integrations: Moderate range of integrations with popular marketing and analytics tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Typeform offers a free trial with limited features.

Google Forms

This free tool from Google integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace apps like Sheets and Docs. It offers unlimited surveys with basic question types and lets you analyze results with built-in charts. Ideal for quick and simple surveys, especially if you're already using Google products.

  • Interface: Simple and easy-to-use interface that integrates seamlessly with Google Workspace.

  • Question Types: Basic question types including multiple choice, short answer, and Likert scale.

  • Customization: Limited customization options for branding and question appearance.

  • Data Privacy: Google adheres to strict security protocols for data storage and privacy.

  • Dashboard: Basic dashboard with limited data visualization tools and reporting options.

  • Integrations: Integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace apps like Sheets and Docs.

  • Free Trial: Google Forms is completely free to use with unlimited surveys.


A veteran in the survey game, SurveyMonkey boasts a wide variety of question types, real-time response tracking, and powerful reporting tools. Perfect for gathering in-depth market research data or conducting customer satisfaction surveys.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with a wide range of features and functionalities.

  • Question Types: Extensive library of question types including branching logic, piping, and advanced options.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and various privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with advanced data visualization tools and robust reporting features.

  • Integrations: Extensive range of integrations with popular marketing, CRM, and analytics tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, SurveyMonkey offers a free trial with limited features.

Zoho Survey

Need to reach a multilingual audience? Zoho Survey has you covered with its support for multiple languages. It also offers over 15 question types, advanced reporting features, and lets you create beautiful, branded surveys. Great for international businesses or organizations with diverse demographics.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with multilingual support for wider reach.

  • Question Types: Over 15 question types including branching logic and advanced options.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and privacy controls compliant with various regulations.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with data visualization tools and advanced reporting features.

  • Integrations: Integrates with other Zoho products and offers a moderate range of third-party integrations.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Zoho Survey offers a free trial with limited features upto 100 responses/survey.


If customization is your jam, JotForm is your tool. It offers a massive library of pre-designed templates and robust design tools to create visually appealing surveys. Perfect for crafting professional-looking surveys that match your brand identity.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with a drag-and-drop builder for easy survey creation.

  • Question Types: Extensive library of question types including unique options like ranking and matrix.

  • Customization: High level of customization for branding, themes, and question design with pre-designed templates.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and various privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with data visualization tools and basic reporting features.

  • Integrations: Extensive range of integrations with popular marketing, CRM, and payment tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, JotForm offers a free plan with limitations and paid plans for additional features.

Microsoft Forms

Live within the Microsoft ecosystem? Microsoft Forms integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products like Teams and Excel. Plus, it offers real-time data sync with Excel for easy analysis. Ideal for internal surveys within organizations that heavily rely on Microsoft products.

  • Interface: Simple and familiar interface that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365.

  • Question Types: Basic question types including multiple choice, short answer, and Likert scale.

  • Customization: Limited customization options for branding and question appearance

  • Data Privacy: Microsoft adheres to strict security protocols for data storage and privacy within the Microsoft ecosystem.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with basic data visualization tools and limited reporting options.

  • Integrations: Integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 apps like Teams and Excel.

  • Free Trial: Microsoft Forms is completely free to use with unlimited surveys.


This AI-powered tool is a dream come true for Notion and Airtable users. It uses AI to streamline survey creation and seamlessly integrates the data with your Notion or Airtable workspace. Perfect for teams that already use these platforms to manage projects and data.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with AI-powered features to streamline survey creation.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including branching logic and integration with existing data from Notion/Airtable.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with basic data visualization tools and reporting features.

  • Integrations: Seamless integration with Notion and Airtable for data transfer.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Fillout offers a free trial with limited features.


This heavyweight tool is designed for large organizations and experience management (XM) professionals. It offers comprehensive reporting features, advanced analytics capabilities, and robust security protocols. Ideal for companies that need to gather in-depth customer or employee feedback and analyze it on a large scale.

  • Interface: Complex and feature-rich interface designed for advanced users and large organizations.

  • Question Types: Extensive library of question types including advanced options for complex surveys.

  • Customization: High level of customization for branding, themes, and survey design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers robust security protocols and compliance with various privacy regulations.

  • Dashboard: Advanced dashboard with comprehensive data visualization and in-depth reporting tools.

  • Integrations: Extensive range of integrations with business intelligence and analytics platforms.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Qualtrics offers a limited free trial, often requiring contact with a sales representative for full access.

Choosing the right survey tool isn't about picking the fanciest one – it's about finding the perfect fit for your needs. Think about what kind of information you're gathering, who you're asking, and how much you can spend. Many tools offer free trials or limited free plans, so you can test them out before committing. 

Read user reviews to see what others liked (and disliked!) to avoid any surprises. Remember, the best tool is the one that makes creating your survey easy and helps you gather the valuable information you need.


So there you have it! With a little planning and exploration, you can find the perfect survey tool that fits your needs like a glove. 

Remember, the best tool is the one that makes creating your survey a breeze and helps you gather the valuable insights you're looking for. Don't be afraid to experiment with free trials and demos to find the perfect match. 

Now go forth and create awesome surveys! Want to try a tool with AI-powered features for faster setup and higher completion rates? Check out Metaforms!

So, I guess you already found out the impact of using survey forms in your business.

But, are you feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of online survey tools available? 

Then, you are just in the right place!

Choosing the right one can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. But worry not, because this guide to Top online survey tools and platforms will equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Why Online Survey Tools Matters?

Do you know that Studies indicate 95% of B2B enterprises utilize surveys to assess customer opinions and feedback?

For those who are still wondering what this magic is all about? Let's pull back the curtain for a sec and get you in on the secret.

Imagine you need customer feedback on a new product. Or maybe you're conducting market research to understand your target audience better. 

Traditional paper surveys are slow, expensive, and prone to errors. That's where online survey tools come in. They allow you to:

  • Create professional-looking surveys in minutes: No design expertise needed. Most tools offer drag-and-drop builders and pre-designed templates.

  • Reach a wider audience: Share your surveys online via email, social media, or by embedding them on your website.

  • Collect data efficiently: No more manual data entry! Online tools automatically collect and analyze your responses.

  • Gain valuable insights: Get clear reports and visualizations that help you understand what your data means.

Why Picking the Right Survey Tool Matters?

Imagine you're planning a surprise party. You need to know your guest’s preferences – food, drinks, games. Sending out a clunky, confusing survey might lead to low participation or inaccurate responses. 

But with the right tool, you can create an engaging, user-friendly survey that gets you the intel you need for an epic celebration.

The same applies to any survey you design. The right tool can,

  1. Boost response rates. A user-friendly interface with a smooth flow keeps participants engaged and motivated to finish.

  2. Gather high-quality data. Diverse question types, logic branching, and clear answer options ensure you get the most accurate information.

  3. Save you time and effort. Look for features like pre-designed templates, drag-and-drop functionality, and built-in reporting to streamline the process.

So, How Do You Choose the Right Survey Tool?

Here's the key: understanding your survey goals. 

What kind of information are you trying to collect? 

Who is your target audience? 

Once you have a clear picture, consider the following factors.

Usability: Is the interface intuitive and easy to navigate, even for non-technical users?

Features: Does the tool offer the question types you need (multiple choice, open-ended, etc.) and advanced features like logic branching and data analysis?

Integrations: Can the tool integrate with other platforms you use, like email marketing tools or project management software?

Pricing: Free plans often have limitations, while paid plans offer more features and customization options. Consider your budget and survey needs.

Here's a pro tip: Many tools offer free trials or demos. Take advantage of them to test-drive the features and see if the tool feels like a good fit.

Popular Free and Paid Online Survey Tools

Now, let's explore some popular survey tools, both free and paid.


This AI-powered tool uses smart technology to personalize surveys and ask follow-up questions based on responses, leading to faster setup and higher completion rates.

  • Interface: Easy to use with a focus on conversational flow.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including multiple choice, open ended, Likert scale, and more.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question appearance.

  • Data Privacy: High focus on data privacy with secure data storage and encryption.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with basic data visualization and reporting tools.

  • Integrations: Currently limited integrations with other platforms.

  • Free Trial: Yes, as of now Metaforms allows customers to access all features for free. Build your first AI form now


Conversational interface and AI features make surveys engaging, while multilingual support allows you to reach a wider audience.

  • Interface: Conversational interface with a chat-like flow that keeps participants engaged.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including branching logic for personalized surveys.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: High focus on data privacy with secure data storage and GDPR compliance.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with data visualization tools and real-time response tracking.

  • Integrations: Moderate range of integrations with popular marketing and analytics tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, SurveySparrow offers a free trial to explore the platform.


Create interactive surveys with advanced logic branching and real-time data visualization to keep participants hooked and understand trends as responses come in.

  • Interface: Engaging and visually appealing interface with a focus on interactive elements.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including branching logic and conditional jumps for dynamic surveys.

  • Customization: High level of customization for branding, themes, and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and various privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with real-time data visualization and detailed reporting features.

  • Integrations: Moderate range of integrations with popular marketing and analytics tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Typeform offers a free trial with limited features.

Google Forms

This free tool from Google integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace apps like Sheets and Docs. It offers unlimited surveys with basic question types and lets you analyze results with built-in charts. Ideal for quick and simple surveys, especially if you're already using Google products.

  • Interface: Simple and easy-to-use interface that integrates seamlessly with Google Workspace.

  • Question Types: Basic question types including multiple choice, short answer, and Likert scale.

  • Customization: Limited customization options for branding and question appearance.

  • Data Privacy: Google adheres to strict security protocols for data storage and privacy.

  • Dashboard: Basic dashboard with limited data visualization tools and reporting options.

  • Integrations: Integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace apps like Sheets and Docs.

  • Free Trial: Google Forms is completely free to use with unlimited surveys.


A veteran in the survey game, SurveyMonkey boasts a wide variety of question types, real-time response tracking, and powerful reporting tools. Perfect for gathering in-depth market research data or conducting customer satisfaction surveys.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with a wide range of features and functionalities.

  • Question Types: Extensive library of question types including branching logic, piping, and advanced options.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and various privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with advanced data visualization tools and robust reporting features.

  • Integrations: Extensive range of integrations with popular marketing, CRM, and analytics tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, SurveyMonkey offers a free trial with limited features.

Zoho Survey

Need to reach a multilingual audience? Zoho Survey has you covered with its support for multiple languages. It also offers over 15 question types, advanced reporting features, and lets you create beautiful, branded surveys. Great for international businesses or organizations with diverse demographics.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with multilingual support for wider reach.

  • Question Types: Over 15 question types including branching logic and advanced options.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and privacy controls compliant with various regulations.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with data visualization tools and advanced reporting features.

  • Integrations: Integrates with other Zoho products and offers a moderate range of third-party integrations.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Zoho Survey offers a free trial with limited features upto 100 responses/survey.


If customization is your jam, JotForm is your tool. It offers a massive library of pre-designed templates and robust design tools to create visually appealing surveys. Perfect for crafting professional-looking surveys that match your brand identity.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with a drag-and-drop builder for easy survey creation.

  • Question Types: Extensive library of question types including unique options like ranking and matrix.

  • Customization: High level of customization for branding, themes, and question design with pre-designed templates.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and various privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with data visualization tools and basic reporting features.

  • Integrations: Extensive range of integrations with popular marketing, CRM, and payment tools.

  • Free Trial: Yes, JotForm offers a free plan with limitations and paid plans for additional features.

Microsoft Forms

Live within the Microsoft ecosystem? Microsoft Forms integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products like Teams and Excel. Plus, it offers real-time data sync with Excel for easy analysis. Ideal for internal surveys within organizations that heavily rely on Microsoft products.

  • Interface: Simple and familiar interface that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365.

  • Question Types: Basic question types including multiple choice, short answer, and Likert scale.

  • Customization: Limited customization options for branding and question appearance

  • Data Privacy: Microsoft adheres to strict security protocols for data storage and privacy within the Microsoft ecosystem.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with basic data visualization tools and limited reporting options.

  • Integrations: Integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 apps like Teams and Excel.

  • Free Trial: Microsoft Forms is completely free to use with unlimited surveys.


This AI-powered tool is a dream come true for Notion and Airtable users. It uses AI to streamline survey creation and seamlessly integrates the data with your Notion or Airtable workspace. Perfect for teams that already use these platforms to manage projects and data.

  • Interface: Easy-to-use interface with AI-powered features to streamline survey creation.

  • Question Types: Multiple question types including branching logic and integration with existing data from Notion/Airtable.

  • Customization: Moderate customization options for branding and question design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers secure data storage and privacy controls for collected information.

  • Dashboard: Built-in dashboard with basic data visualization tools and reporting features.

  • Integrations: Seamless integration with Notion and Airtable for data transfer.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Fillout offers a free trial with limited features.


This heavyweight tool is designed for large organizations and experience management (XM) professionals. It offers comprehensive reporting features, advanced analytics capabilities, and robust security protocols. Ideal for companies that need to gather in-depth customer or employee feedback and analyze it on a large scale.

  • Interface: Complex and feature-rich interface designed for advanced users and large organizations.

  • Question Types: Extensive library of question types including advanced options for complex surveys.

  • Customization: High level of customization for branding, themes, and survey design.

  • Data Privacy: Offers robust security protocols and compliance with various privacy regulations.

  • Dashboard: Advanced dashboard with comprehensive data visualization and in-depth reporting tools.

  • Integrations: Extensive range of integrations with business intelligence and analytics platforms.

  • Free Trial: Yes, Qualtrics offers a limited free trial, often requiring contact with a sales representative for full access.

Choosing the right survey tool isn't about picking the fanciest one – it's about finding the perfect fit for your needs. Think about what kind of information you're gathering, who you're asking, and how much you can spend. Many tools offer free trials or limited free plans, so you can test them out before committing. 

Read user reviews to see what others liked (and disliked!) to avoid any surprises. Remember, the best tool is the one that makes creating your survey easy and helps you gather the valuable information you need.


So there you have it! With a little planning and exploration, you can find the perfect survey tool that fits your needs like a glove. 

Remember, the best tool is the one that makes creating your survey a breeze and helps you gather the valuable insights you're looking for. Don't be afraid to experiment with free trials and demos to find the perfect match. 

Now go forth and create awesome surveys! Want to try a tool with AI-powered features for faster setup and higher completion rates? Check out Metaforms!


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